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Spiritual Direction & Christ-Centered Coaching

St. Francis de Sales
40 Granville St.
Newark, OH 43055-4998
See Directors/Coaches Tab Above

What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction (as the name implies) is primarily about going deeper in your spiritual life. It is aimed toward helping you grow in holiness and in your relationship with God. A spiritual director is trained in understanding the spiritual life and can help you discern the movements of the Holy Spirit. A good spiritual director can help identify obstacles to growth in holiness and suggest ways to improve your spiritual journey and relationship with God.

Although emotional feelings do play a role in the spiritual life, spiritual direction is not a substitute for therapy if you are struggling with emotional or psychological distress.

If you are looking to grow in your relationship with God and to discern the movements of the Holy Spirit in your life, then a spiritual director is the person you'll need.

What is Spiritual Coaching?

Spiritual Coaching deals with the present to help a person maximize their God-given gifts and potential and to set and achieve realistic goals. Coaching is also a great way to hone communication, problem-solving, organization and time management skills.

Coaching helps you to align your life with who you are and to figure out how to get to where you want to be in life. Although, coaching will sometimes help you deal with problems along the way, the focus of coaching is on finding new insights, observations and functional plans that will help you reach your goals and maximize your potential. 

Having the Catholic faith as a guide, our coaches offer a significant advantage by calling on the truths of our faith, the light and grace of the Holy Spirit and the power of the Sacraments to help you become the person God created and is calling you to be.

What Spiritual Direction and Spiritual Coaching is not.

Spiritual direction/coaching focuses on a relationship with God. It is not about solving problems or overcoming a psychological malady, as professional psychotherapy would address. Instead, spiritual direction focuses on the relationship one has with God and how the person sees or struggles with God in their everyday life. It is not therapy. It is not career counseling or rehabilitation services. It is, however, a mentoring relationship where the director/coach accompanies an individual through a process of developing a prayer life.

In that process, one might find answers to problems or dilemmas in their life, but the focus is not on those issues. The focus is on developing a relationship with God so that one feels God's presence in their life - developing a life of prayer (or better stated, communicating with God) and in being guided in learning to pray and on engaging in a spiritual journey to discover more about the divine is the prime focus.

Why should I be interested in Spiritual Direction/Coaching?

Everyone needs a coach or a guide. Many of us try to pray, but simply don't know how to do it and don't know where to start. In looking at your own spiritual life, you might have questions about what any of this means! You might have never explored your own spiritual side. Or you might be going through a tough time and have begun to have doubts in your own faith life. A good spiritual director or coach can accompany you through all of these instances and more.

How often would I meet with a Spiritual Director/Coach?

It depends. Some folks have a regular monthly meeting with their director/coach. Others are in a different stage and might meet more often. Some might meet a director/coach once and then not meet again for some time. You can meet once a week, once a month, once a quarter, or whatever works for you and your director/coach. Typically, an hour session, each month, at a mutually convenient location (or in online settings) where privacy can be assured is the norm. It is customary to offer a small stipend or donation for each meeting in appreciation for your companion's time (Standard rates vary. Some might wave their fee as part of their job requirements and others depend on their stipend as it is a major source of income for them or their religious community).  

Below find a group of spiritual directors and coaches for our parish. Please contact your preferred professional with questions and next steps. 

Dave Breitmayer, In Training

More info coming soon!

Lynn Henderson, Spiritual Life Coach 

[email protected] or 614.551.5790

After enjoying many years working as a Clinical Christian Counselor, Lynn became a Certified Professional Coach through the College of Executive Coaching. She responded to the Lord’s call to work with other Catholic women as a Spiritual Life Coach. In this role, Lynn is passionate about helping women grow more deeply in their relationship with God, as they seek to bring His love and joy more fully into themselves and others. 

She received a Master of Social Work with a specialty in mental health from the University of Toronto, Canada. She has a Bachelor of Social Work from McGill University, Canada and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Brock University, Canada. Lynn has past experience working as a counselor and volunteer in the areas of bereavement, addictions, mental health and marital and family relationships.

Lynn is a Catholic wife and mother. She enjoys travelling to new places and revisiting old favorites. She and her husband have lived in 4 countries during their 28-year marriage and have two adult daughters. They have called Columbus, OH their home for the last 15 years. 

Mary Marron, In Training

More info coming soon!

Debby Michael, Certified Spiritual Director & Inner Healing Prayer Minister

[email protected] or  614.600.4705

 Debby is a life-long Catholic and felt a calling from God and her spiritual director to become a spiritual director while still working as a vascular nurse.  She has since retired from nursing and has an active spiritual direction practice for the past 4 years.

She’s a member of the Catholic Spiritual Directors group here at St. Francis.  Debby considers it a privilege to accompany others on their spiritual journey in a confidential safe environment and to help them develop a deeper relationship with God in their daily lives.  

 Debby has been involved with Inner Healing Prayer for over 15 years.  She started with the Theophostic prayer model then learned and practiced the Unbound model and is currently using the Encounter Ministry model.  She is a 2nd-year student of the Encounter School of Ministry.  She has seen much breakthrough and freedom in praying with others for inner healing.  Inner Healing Prayer helps to uncover the lies, strongholds and evil spirits that keep us from having a close relationship with God and brings God’s truths to replace the lies.  Debby has a passion to be God’s handmaid in setting His people free whether in spiritual direction or with Inner Healing Prayer.  

 She is available to see clients for either ministry in person or on zoom, free of charge.

Marsha Norberg, Certified Spiritual Director

[email protected] or 440.541.8337

Marsha completed her 4-year training in 2011 at The Villa Maria Spirituality and Education Center.  She has experience directing has been both with small groups and individuals and is available for direction session by Zoom. Marsha is excited to join you on the journey to move where you are spiritually to where you want to be spiritually. 

Marsha lives part of the year in Amherst, Ohio and part of the year in Sarasota, Florida.  She and her husband, David Gantz have a blended family with five children and seven grandchildren and have been married almost seven years. Together they share their children, their grandchildren, and their Catholic faith.  They also share Operation Rescue, Inc., a charity that we co-founded 6 years ago.   Our mission is to serve the residents of El Salvador by building houses for the poorest of the poor high in the mountainous region of Teotepeque.  To date, they have built 115 houses, with only four more needed to meet our goal.

Krista Raymond, Holistic Health & Wellness Coach w/ Trauma Recovery Specialization

[email protected] or 614.746.8632

Krista is a Certified Holistic Health and Wellness Coach specializing in Trauma Recovery. As a wife, mother of five, grandmother, food enthusiast, and nature lover, she has personally experienced the life-changing effects of faith, persistence, healing foods, and supplements in managing illness and promoting health. Her education and personal journey have shown her the strong link between unresolved trauma and the potential for disease. By addressing these complex situations in Krista’s own life, she discovered healing, inner peace, and forgiveness beyond what I had imagined. 

Krista can help you identify limiting beliefs, set achievable goals, and make lifestyle changes that will lead to lasting results. Together, we will explore your nutrition, overall lifestyle, spiritual wellness, and past traumas to guide you toward simple yet powerful steps to transform your life and unleash your healing potential. Let's work together to unlock the vitality and well-being that God desires for you.

Pam Soiu, In Training

More info coming soon!

Maggie Wright, Professional Metanoia Catholic Life Coach

[email protected] or 740.345.9874 ext. 204

Maggie is the wife of a Deacon, mother of 12, and a Secular Franciscan.  She is a resident coach with Metanoia Catholic and has professional training and attended programs dealing with transformation and healing (Unbound, John Paul II Healing Center, and Encounter School of Ministry). All this experience has given Maggie a unique ability to help those who may find themselves stuck, overwhelmed, and out of balance with a true desire for change to become the person God intended them to be.